Following the second service on February 5th, Pastor Jim will be offering the first training session for our new initiative of Extending the Table of Communion. The program is designed to keep our unwillingly absent members connected to God and the church by extending the communion table to them on a regular basis. The training will cover: how the program works, the expectations of the servers, and logistics of how to serve communion to those who will be receiving. So, if you enjoy visiting people, this ministry just might be your calling. Following the training, we will enjoy a meal together so you don’t need to worry about being late for lunch.
How Extending the Table works is relatively simple. Each time we celebrate the sacrament those who extend the table will receive a home communion kit, which includes a brief order of service as well as bread and grape juice that were consecrated at the regular worship service. The elements are taken (by appointment) to our unwillingly absent members on Sunday or Monday.
In case you are wondering, the “Unwillingly Absent” are those who, for whatever reason, cannot attend our services. It could be a transportation problem, disability, or work commitments that keep them away. Anyone who wants to be here but can’t make it, is one of our “unwillingly absent.” If you are interested in receiving a visit from the Extending the Table ministry team, please call the church office so the arrangements can be made.
Please note, this ministry does not replace pastoral visits, rather it simply supplements them. If you would like a visit from Pastor Jim, feel free to give him a call so he can add you to the schedule. He can be reached at 717-473-0042.