The Palmyra First Church Vision Team has been busy in December. The team planned the distribution of 400 invitational bags around the community, offered a gift-wrapping service, and helped the Blessed Misfits do a local mission project of assisting at local laundromats by paying for a few loads of laundry and having some great conversations.
At our next meeting we will be evaluating the effectiveness of our initiatives and continuing to plan for the future. The big agenda item is our continuing preparation for the rollout of Celebrate Recovery (CR) just after Easter of 2023.
The Palmyra First Church Vision Team, with help from the Church of the Good Shepherd in Lebanon, is preparing to launch Celebrate Recovery for the Palmyra Area Community in April of 2023. The program is a 12-Step Christ-Centered program designed to help individuals overcome their hurts, hang-ups, and habits. The program is ideal for people dealing with a variety of issues ranging from grief and depression, to behavioral addictions and chemical addictions, and just about anything in between. Mike Heimbach is our point person and is currently training for his role in the program.
In order for this to be successful, we will need a team of folks who will help us launch the program. Once we are established, the bulk of the tasks will be done by the participants, but initially, we need a team to jump start everything. If you are called by God to this ministry, please contact with Mike or Pastor Jim and they will keep you posted as things continue to develop.