Vision Team Updates 


The Palmyra First Church Vision Team has planned a few different events. A few years ago, the group had  offered Christmas gift wrapping as a service to the community, however, with Covid, the effort was not  successful. This year, we are trying again to see if a second effort will yield better results.  

As we have done in the past few years, we will be distributing informational bags to our neighbors, inviting  them to our Christmas services. The plan is to distribute 400 bags to various locations in the Palmyra area.  The bag includes the bulletins for all the services, a candy cane, information about the church, and a few  other treats. You are invited to join in the efforts. The distribution will take place on Saturday, December  17th starting at 9:00 AM. We expect the distribution will only take about one hour. We will also need help  stuffing the bags on Tuesday, December 13th at 9:30 AM. Contact Carl Garver with any questions. 

In January, the church will be offering a community meal for the entire area. We will need lots of help and  would welcome you to participate. Look for a volunteer sheet at the information desk.