This year, Christmas falls on a Sunday making Christmas Eve a Saturday. Our worship schedule is listed
There will be three Christmas Eve services, though one will not be on Christmas Eve itself! Each service will
feature Rev. David Williams reading his book “A Christmas Bedtime Story.” All three services will also offer
the sacrament of Holy Communion and end with the traditional lighting of the candles representing the
coming of the light of the world.
Thursday, December 22nd: our non-traditional “Christmas Eve” service will begin at 7:00 PM. It is designed
specifically for those who will be traveling during the Holy Days. The service will feature music by the band that plays at our first service.
Saturday, December 24th: at 3:00 PM will be the first of two services on Christmas Eve. This service is
scheduled for 3:00 PM for families with younger children and for those who should not drive after dark.
Saturday, December 24th: at 7:00 PM our very traditional Christmas Eve service will take place. Since it will be dark outside, the candles featured at the end of the service should be especially moving.
Sunday, Christmas Day, December 25th: we will hold our regular services at their usual times of 9:00 AM
and 10:30 AM. In keeping with Pastor Jim’s family tradition, he has “voluntold” his sister Lynea to prepare a plum pudding* for each of the services, which will be presented at each service and enjoyed after the
Each of these services are invitational opportunities, so please invite your friends, relatives, neighbors, and
coworkers to join you in the celebration of this special time of the year.
*For those who do not know, plumb pudding is a very rich and moist cake made in a double boiler with
dried plums, nuts, flour, and other ingredients, topped with both a liquid lemon sauce, and sweet “hard
sauce” balls. In the Anderman household, it is brought to the table with flames atop the cake. (Very
appropriate for a birthday cake where 2022 candles would be difficult at best!) The recipe comes through
the family and was last modified by Pastor Jim’s grandmother who found it necessary to triple the recipe
and make extra hard sauce (Ask Lynea Anderman for the details). Grandma would not have booze in the
house, so the flame is created without an alcoholic beverage (again, ask Lynea how that’s done!).