GOD is GOOD! What a beautiful world we live in,
all through God’s handiwork. In this season of the
year, God’s lovely creation surrounds us. Take
time to enjoy it!
The Theme for last month was “David.” Students
constructed harps using fruit so that they might
“Dance like David Danced”. They made Friendship
bracelets for the story of David and Jonathan,
iced cookies to look like stones for David’s sling,
and made a scepter for King David. They sent
note cards to the “unwillingly absent” and
learned scriptures using sign language.
November we will learn about Solomon. “God
gave Solomon wisdom and very great
understanding.” I Kings 4:29.
November 6…………………..Solomon Becomes King
I Kings 2:1-4, 3:1-15
November 13……………………….Solomon’s Wisdom
Proverbs 6:6-8, 10:1, 17:17
November 20………………………….Build the Temple
I Kings 6:1-38
November 27…………………….Dedicate the Temple
I Kings 8:6-20
Thank you to Betty Adams for taking over the
Discovery Dunes while Donna Hassenfritz was out
recovering. Donna would also like to thank
everyone for the cards, prayers, and good wishes
during her recovery!