Trick or Treat at Palmyra First!

Palmyra First Church will offer Christian hospitality on Trick or Treat night in Palmyra. We will offer hospitality in the form of treats for the kids, and a warm beverage for both kids and accompanying adults if the night is cold.

Would you like to participate in showing Christian hospitality? There are several ways you can participate: 1. Help supply the treats (think like a parent, think safety! Provide only sealed packages) 2. Come to the
church on October 27th and greet the children while offering a treat. 3. Help publicize that Palmyra First is
open for Trick or Treaters.

If we have enough volunteers, we will station people at multiple doors starting with the tower doors, then
the accessible door on Green St. With enough help we could open a second door on Green and even one on Franklin Street.

Trick or Treat night is a great opportunity to do some door-to-door work for the church without anyone
having to go door to door. The kids will do that for you!

Mark your calendar for Trick or Treat night, October 27th with a rain date of Monday, October 31st.